New org-mode link to Web of Science

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For ages I have been trying to figure out how to make a link to open a search in Web of Science. Today, thanks to help from our library, I finally figured it out!

It turns out you can embed a search widget to Web of Science in a web page. See . Here is an example.

Web of Science

Search Web of Science™

Copyright 2014 Thomson Reuters   

This simple form just sends a GET http request to a cgi script at Web of Knowledge. Awesome, we can create a url that does just that to make an org link! We will make a link that you can click on to open the web page, and a simple formatting function to make the link work in html too when we export it.

 (lambda (path)
    (format  ""
             (s-join "+"
              (split-string path)))))
 ;; formatting function. Assume html
 (lambda (link desc format)
   (format "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>"
           (format  ""
             (s-join "+"
              (split-string path)))
           (format "wos:%s" link)

Now, here is a link: wos:alloy segregation

When I click on it in org-mode, Web of Science opens to articles that match that search. When I export the post to html, you should also see a link that opens to Web of Science (assuming you click on it from an IP address with access).

The link may not seem all that useful, but we can use the idea to highlight words, and send them to a web of science query, e.g. , or in org-ref to query web of science for the words you typed into helm-bibtex that do not match any references in your database. One more powerful tool in doing research for a living!

Copyright (C) 2015 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.10

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Pandoc does org-mode now

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Pandoc ( ) is a document converter. It does a pretty good job of converting a document in one format to another. Pandoc also knows about org-mode now, and can convert an org-file to a Word document! We are going to test it out in this post to see what it does well with.

1 A subsection with some equations

Einstein showed us that \(E = mc^2\).

A matrix looks like this:

\begin{equation} \begin{matrix} a & b & c \\ d & e & f \\ g & h & i \end{matrix} \end{equation}

2 A section with a figure

Here is a figure in the document.

Figure 1: A cosine function.

3 A section with a table

Table 1: A simple table.
x y
1 1
2 4
3 9

4 Some citations

For fun, a reference to the org-mode book dominik-2010-org-mode.

5 some source code

here is a python block.

print 'hello pandoc'
hello pandoc

and finally, we write a block that will convert this file to a word document.

(shell-command "pandoc -s -s -o org-to-word.docx")

Now, here is that org-to-word.docx

it is pretty good, and blazing fast. The output is not quite as good as the native org to pdf (org-to-word.pdf ), but since the translation is happening outside of Emacs the results are still pretty impressive, and if you need a Word document there is no substitute 1. The simple equation was translated to a Word equation format (cool!) but the matrix did not show up in the word document, nor did the figure caption. The code does show up, but the lines are not numbered as they are in the pdf. The citation did not work out of the box. The User guide suggests it might be possible to get this to work with a citations extension though.

I am impressed that the Word document has proper section headings. Overall, my impression is that this is a very good way to get 90+% of the way to a finished word document with an org-source file!



Ok, there is the ODT export engine. So far I have not been able to make that export documents that Word can open though, and it takes more configuration than just installing Pandoc.

Copyright (C) 2014 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.6

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Popup tips on bibtex links in org-mode

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I want to explore using popup tips to display richer information about org-mode links. The idea is to have something like a tooltip that displays the bibtex entry when you hover over it, or click on it.

Here is a canonical example of a popup.

(popup-tip "Hello, World!")

All I need to do is figure out a simple way to get the bibtex entry as a string, and pop it up when a link is clicked on.

 ;; this function is run when you click
 (lambda (link-string) 
   (popup-tip link-string))
 ;; formatting
(lambda (keyword desc format)
    ((eq format 'html) (format "<pre>%s:%s</pre>" keyword desc)))))
lambda (link-string) (popup-tip link-string)
lambda (keyword desc format) (cond ((eq format (quote html)) (format <pre>%s:%s</pre> keyword desc)))

Now we give it a try.


That looks good.

Ok, the penultimate step will be to lookup a bibtex entry, and show the entry in a popup. We will hardcode the path to the bibtex file.

 ;; this function is run when you click
 (lambda (bibtex-key)
   (let ((entry (with-temp-buffer
                  (insert-file-contents "~/Dropbox/bibliography/references.bib")
                  (goto-char (point-min))
                  (re-search-forward bibtex-key)
     (popup-tip entry))))
lambda (bibtex-key) (let ((cb (current-buffer)) (entry (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents ~/Dropbox/bibliography/references.bib) (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward bibtex-key) (bibtex-narrow-to-entry) (buffer-string)))) (popup-tip entry))


And here is what appears for me:

The final step is to connect this to an idle timer . We want a popup to occur when our mouse is idle. I am setting this up to run one time, after 5 seconds of idleness.

(run-with-idle-timer 5 nil (lambda () (popup-tip "You are being idle")))
[nil 0 5 0 nil (lambda nil (popup-tip "You are being idle")) nil idle 0]

So, we need to setup an idle timer that runs on some interval. When the cursor is on the right kind of link, we want to get a popup. I adapted the following code from .

;; variable for the timer object
(defvar idle-timer-bibtex-timer nil)

;; callback function 
(defun idle-timer-bibtex-callback ()
  "displays a popup of the bibtex entry in a test link"
  (let ((object (org-element-context)))    
    (when (and (equal (org-element-type object) 'link) 
               (equal (org-element-property :type object) "test"))
      (let* ((bibtex-key (org-element-property :path object))
             (entry (with-temp-buffer
                      (insert-file-contents "~/Dropbox/bibliography/references.bib")
                      (goto-char (point-min))
                      (re-search-forward bibtex-key)
        (popup-tip entry)))))

;; start functions
(defun idle-timer-bibtex-start ()
  (when (timerp idle-timer-bibtex-timer)
    (cancel-timer idle-timer-bibtex-timer))
  (setq idle-timer-bibtex-timer
          (run-with-timer 1 1 #'idle-timer-bibtex-callback)))

;; stop function
(defun idle-timer-bibtex-stop ()
  (when (timerp idle-timer-bibtex-timer)
    (cancel-timer idle-timer-bibtex-timer))
  (setq idle-timer-bibtex-timer nil))



Now, whenever the cursor is on the link, and there is an idle of about a sec, I get a popup window of the bibtex entry. It looks like this:

There are still some limitations to this code. It does not handle multiple citations in a link (like the cite links I normally use do). That will take a little work to fixup. I cannot figure out how to get mouse-over tooltips; this only works when the cursor is on the link. I do not know what the optimal timer setting is. This one runs every second. I do not see any issues in performance with that. Another issue might be making the timer a file local variable. It would be nice if the timer quit running when the file was closed. I do not know how easy that would be to implement, or if there should be one timer running for org-mode. Finally, this code is hard-coded to use my reference file. For a real module, we would probably provide some customization to choose other bibtex files. Overall though, this might be a handy way to quickly peruse the citations in an org-file.

Copyright (C) 2014 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

Org-mode version = 8.2.5h

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JSON is flexible, and can store text and numeric data. It does not store numpy arrays, but rather it is limited to storing lists of data. You would have to convert them back to arrays if you want to do array math. You probably wouldn't want to store a 3d array of electron density in this format, although it probably isn't worse than a CUBE file format. We haven't tested these files very significantly yet at a large scale to see how fast it is to read from lots of them.

Nonetheless, this looks like a reasonable format to share data in human and machine readable form, without violating the VASP licence conditions.

Copyright (C) 2013 by John Kitchin. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

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Exporting accented characters to latex from org-mode

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I noticed recently in writing a technical paper in org-mode that I had some trouble exporting some accented characters to LaTeX.

Here are 5 words that render correctly in LaTeX

1. Jos\'{e}
2. peque\~{n}o
3. Gro\ss
4. Gr\"{u}neisen
5. N\o{}rskov

Here we wrap these words in a LaTeX block so it exports verbatim to see how they look in a PDF.

Note to see this in LaTeX, you must view the exporting-accented-characters.pdf. Now, we use the same characters in org-mode.

  1. Jos\'{e}
  2. peque\~{n}o
  3. Gro\ss
  4. Gr\"{u}neisen
  5. N\o{}rskov

The exported LaTeX code looks like:

\item Jos$\backslash$'\{e\}
\item peque$\backslash$\textasciitilde{}\{n\}o
\item Gro\ss
\item Gr$\backslash$"\{u\}neisen
\item N\o{}rskov

The exporter does not handle all of them correctly. Org-mode is its own system, and it is not, and won't be a total replacement for LaTeX. Nevertheless, these are pretty common characters for me, and We need a solution! A clunky way we found to solve this is to add a LATEXHEADER line that defines a new LaTeX command like this:

#+LATEX_HEADER: \newcommand{\gruneisen}{Gr\"{u}neisen}

Then you can use the new command in org-mode. So this text:

We use \gruneisen in a sentence.

Renders like this:

We use \gruneisen in a sentence.

That is not too ideal, since some journals do not like you to define new commands. It turns out that org-mode has its own commands to solve this problem! There is a list of these commands stored in a variable called org-entities.

Here we print these entities for "the record". I add an extra star to the data in org-entities so they will all be nested in this post.

(mapcar (lambda(x)
  "print element x. If it is a heading, add an extra star"
  (if (and (stringp x) (string= (substring x 0 1) "*"))
      (princ (format "*%s\n" x))
    (princ (format "%s\n" x)))) org-entities)

1 Letters

1.1 Latin

(Agrave \`{A} nil &Agrave; A À À) (agrave \`{a} nil &agrave; a à à) (Aacute \'{A} nil &Aacute; A Á Á) (aacute \'{a} nil &aacute; a á á) (Acirc \A nil &Acirc; A  Â) (acirc \a nil &acirc; a â â) (Atilde \~{A} nil &Atilde; A à Ã) (atilde \~{a} nil &atilde; a ã ã) (Auml \"{A} nil &Auml; Ae Ä Ä) (auml \"{a} nil &auml; ae ä ä) (Aring Å nil &Aring; A Å Å) (AA Å nil &Aring; A Å Å) (aring \aa{} nil &aring; a å å) (AElig \AE{} nil &AElig; AE Æ Æ) (aelig \ae{} nil &aelig; ae æ æ) (Ccedil \c{C} nil &Ccedil; C Ç Ç) (ccedil \c{c} nil &ccedil; c ç ç) (Egrave \`{E} nil &Egrave; E È È) (egrave \`{e} nil &egrave; e è è) (Eacute \'{E} nil &Eacute; E É É) (eacute \'{e} nil &eacute; e é é) (Ecirc \E nil &Ecirc; E Ê Ê) (ecirc \e nil &ecirc; e ê ê) (Euml \"{E} nil &Euml; E Ë Ë) (euml \"{e} nil &euml; e ë ë) (Igrave \`{I} nil &Igrave; I Ì Ì) (igrave \`{i} nil &igrave; i ì ì) (Iacute \'{I} nil &Iacute; I Í Í) (iacute \'{i} nil &iacute; i í í) (Icirc \I nil &Icirc; I Î Î) (icirc \i nil &icirc; i î î) (Iuml \"{I} nil &Iuml; I Ï Ï) (iuml \"{i} nil &iuml; i ï ï) (Ntilde \~{N} nil &Ntilde; N Ñ Ñ) (ntilde \~{n} nil &ntilde; n ñ ñ) (Ograve \`{O} nil &Ograve; O Ò Ò) (ograve \`{o} nil &ograve; o ò ò) (Oacute \'{O} nil &Oacute; O Ó Ó) (oacute \'{o} nil &oacute; o ó ó) (Ocirc \O nil &Ocirc; O Ô Ô) (ocirc \o nil &ocirc; o ô ô) (Otilde \~{O} nil &Otilde; O Õ Õ) (otilde \~{o} nil &otilde; o õ õ) (Ouml \"{O} nil &Ouml; Oe Ö Ö) (ouml \"{o} nil &ouml; oe ö ö) (Oslash \O nil &Oslash; O Ø Ø) (oslash \o{} nil &oslash; o ø ø) (OElig \OE{} nil &OElig; OE OE Œ) (oelig \oe{} nil &oelig; oe oe œ) (Scaron \v{S} nil &Scaron; S S Š) (scaron \v{s} nil &scaron; s s š) (szlig \ss{} nil &szlig; ss ß ß) (Ugrave \`{U} nil &Ugrave; U Ù Ù) (ugrave \`{u} nil &ugrave; u ù ù) (Uacute \'{U} nil &Uacute; U Ú Ú) (uacute \'{u} nil &uacute; u ú ú) (Ucirc \U nil &Ucirc; U Û Û) (ucirc \u nil &ucirc; u û û) (Uuml \"{U} nil &Uuml; Ue Ü Ü) (uuml \"{u} nil &uuml; ue ü ü) (Yacute \'{Y} nil &Yacute; Y Ý Ý) (yacute \'{y} nil &yacute; y ý ý) (Yuml \"{Y} nil &Yuml; Y Y Ÿ) (yuml \"{y} nil &yuml; y ÿ ÿ)

1.2 Latin (special face)

(fnof \textit{f} nil &fnof; f f ƒ) (real \Re t &real; R R ℜ) (image \Im t &image; I I ℑ) (weierp \wp t &weierp; P P ℘)

1.3 Greek

(Alpha A nil &Alpha; Alpha Alpha Α) (alpha α t &alpha; alpha alpha α) (Beta B nil &Beta; Beta Beta Β) (beta β t &beta; beta beta β) (Gamma Γ t &Gamma; Gamma Gamma Γ) (gamma γ t &gamma; gamma gamma γ) (Delta Δ t &Delta; Delta Gamma Δ) (delta δ t &delta; delta delta δ) (Epsilon E nil &Epsilon; Epsilon Epsilon Ε) (epsilon ε t &epsilon; epsilon epsilon ε) (varepsilon ε t &epsilon; varepsilon varepsilon ε) (Zeta Z nil &Zeta; Zeta Zeta Ζ) (zeta ζ t &zeta; zeta zeta ζ) (Eta H nil &Eta; Eta Eta Η) (eta η t &eta; eta eta η) (Theta Θ t &Theta; Theta Theta Θ) (theta θ t &theta; theta theta θ) (thetasym ϑ t &thetasym; theta theta ϑ) (vartheta ϑ t &thetasym; theta theta ϑ) (Iota I nil &Iota; Iota Iota Ι) (iota ι t &iota; iota iota ι) (Kappa K nil &Kappa; Kappa Kappa Κ) (kappa κ t &kappa; kappa kappa κ) (Lambda Λ t &Lambda; Lambda Lambda Λ) (lambda λ t &lambda; lambda lambda λ) (Mu M nil &Mu; Mu Mu Μ) (mu μ t &mu; mu mu μ) (nu ν t &nu; nu nu ν) (Nu N nil &Nu; Nu Nu Ν) (Xi Ξ t &Xi; Xi Xi Ξ) (xi ξ t &xi; xi xi ξ) (Omicron O nil &Omicron; Omicron Omicron Ο) (omicron \textit{o} nil &omicron; omicron omicron ο) (Pi Π t &Pi; Pi Pi Π) (pi π t &pi; pi pi π) (Rho P nil &Rho; Rho Rho Ρ) (rho ρ t &rho; rho rho ρ) (Sigma Σ t &Sigma; Sigma Sigma Σ) (sigma σ t &sigma; sigma sigma σ) (sigmaf ς t &sigmaf; sigmaf sigmaf ς) (varsigma ς t &sigmaf; varsigma varsigma ς) (Tau T nil &Tau; Tau Tau Τ) (Upsilon Υ t &Upsilon; Upsilon Upsilon Υ) (upsih Υ t &upsih; upsilon upsilon ϒ) (upsilon υ t &upsilon; upsilon upsilon υ) (Phi Φ t &Phi; Phi Phi Φ) (phi φ t &phi; phi phi φ) (Chi X nil &Chi; Chi Chi Χ) (chi χ t &chi; chi chi χ) (acutex ´ x t &acute;x 'x 'x 𝑥́) (Psi Ψ t &Psi; Psi Psi Ψ) (psi ψ t &psi; psi psi ψ) (tau τ t &tau; tau tau τ) (Omega Ω t &Omega; Omega Omega Ω) (omega ω t &omega; omega omega ω) (piv \varpi t &piv; omega-pi omega-pi ϖ) (partial ∂ t &part; [partial differential] [partial differential] ∂)

1.4 Hebrew

(alefsym \aleph t &alefsym; aleph aleph ℵ)

1.5 Dead languages

(ETH \DH{} nil &ETH; D Ð Ð) (eth \dh{} nil &eth; dh ð ð) (THORN \TH{} nil &THORN; TH Þ Þ) (thorn \th{} nil &thorn; th þ þ)

2 Punctuation

2.1 Dots and Marks

(dots … nil &hellip; … … …) (hellip … nil &hellip; … … …) (middot \textperiodcentered{} nil &middot; . · ·) (iexcl !` nil &iexcl; ! ¡ ¡) (iquest ?` nil &iquest; ? ¿ ¿)

2.2 Dash-like

(shy ­ nil &shy; ) (ndash – nil &ndash; - - –) (mdash — nil &mdash; – – —)

2.3 Quotations

(quot \textquotedbl{} nil &quot; " " ") (acute \textasciiacute{} nil &acute; ' ´ ´) (ldquo \textquotedblleft{} nil &ldquo; " " “) (rdquo \textquotedblright{} nil &rdquo; " " ”) (bdquo \quotedblbase{} nil &bdquo; " " „) (lsquo \textquoteleft{} nil &lsquo; ` ` ‘) (rsquo \textquoteright{} nil &rsquo; ' ' ’) (sbquo \quotesinglbase{} nil &sbquo; , , ‚) (laquo \guillemotleft{} nil &laquo; << « «) (raquo \guillemotright{} nil &raquo; >> » ») (lsaquo \guilsinglleft{} nil &lsaquo; < < ‹) (rsaquo \guilsinglright{} nil &rsaquo; > > ›)

3 Other

3.1 Misc. (often used)

(circ \nil nil &circ; ^ ^ ˆ) (vert | t &#124; | | |) (brvbar \textbrokenbar{} nil &brvbar; | ¦ ¦) (sect \S nil &sect; paragraph § §) (amp \& nil &amp; & & &) (lt \textless{} nil &lt; < < <) (gt \textgreater{} nil &gt; > > >) (tilde \~{} nil &tilde; ~ ~ ~) (slash / nil / / / /) (plus + nil + + + +) (under \_ nil _ _ _ _) (equal = nil = = = =) (asciicirc \textasciicircum{} nil ^ ^ ^ ^) (dagger \textdagger{} nil &dagger; [dagger] [dagger] †) (Dagger \textdaggerdbl{} nil &Dagger; [doubledagger] [doubledagger] ‡)

3.2 Whitespace

(nbsp ~ nil &nbsp; ) (ensp \hspace*{.5em} nil &ensp;  ) (emsp \hspace*{1em} nil &emsp;  ) (thinsp \hspace*{.2em} nil &thinsp;  )

3.3 Currency

(curren \textcurrency{} nil &curren; curr. ¤ ¤) (cent \textcent{} nil &cent; cent ¢ ¢) (pound \pounds{} nil &pound; pound £ £) (yen \textyen{} nil &yen; yen ¥ ¥) (euro \texteuro{} nil &euro; EUR EUR €) (EUR € nil &euro; EUR EUR €) (EURdig € nil &euro; EUR EUR €) (EURhv € nil &euro; EUR EUR €) (EURcr € nil &euro; EUR EUR €) (EURtm € nil &euro; EUR EUR €)

3.4 Property Marks

(copy \textcopyright{} nil &copy; (c) © ©) (reg \textregistered{} nil &reg; (r) ® ®) (trade \texttrademark{} nil &trade; TM TM ™)

3.5 Science et al.

(minus − t &minus; - - −) (pm \textpm{} nil &plusmn; +- ± ±) (plusmn \textpm{} nil &plusmn; +- ± ±) (times \texttimes{} nil &times; * × ×) (frasl / nil &frasl; / / ⁄) (div \textdiv{} nil &divide; / ÷ ÷) (frac12 \textonehalf{} nil &frac12; 1/2 ½ ½) (frac14 \textonequarter{} nil &frac14; 1/4 ¼ ¼) (frac34 \textthreequarters{} nil &frac34; 3/4 ¾ ¾) (permil \textperthousand{} nil &permil; per thousand per thousand ‰) (sup1 \textonesuperior{} nil &sup1; ^1 ¹ ¹) (sup2 \texttwosuperior{} nil &sup2; ^2 ² ²) (sup3 \textthreesuperior{} nil &sup3; ^3 ³ ³) (radic \sqrt{\,} t &radic; [square root] [square root] √) (sum ∑ t &sum; [sum] [sum] ∑) (prod ∏ t &prod; [product] [n-ary product] ∏) (micro \textmu{} nil &micro; micro µ µ) (macr \textasciimacron{} nil &macr; [macron] ¯ ¯) (deg \textdegree{} nil &deg; degree ° °) (prime ′ t &prime; ' ' ′) (Prime ′′ t &Prime; '' '' ″) (infin \propto t &infin; [infinity] [infinity] ∞) (infty ∞ t &infin; [infinity] [infinity] ∞) (prop \propto t &prop; [proportional to] [proportional to] ∝) (proptp \propto t &prop; [proportional to] [proportional to] ∝) (not \textlnot{} nil &not; [angled dash] ¬ ¬) (neg ¬ t &not; [angled dash] ¬ ¬) (land ∧ t &and; [logical and] [logical and] ∧) (wedge ∧ t &and; [logical and] [logical and] ∧) (lor ∨ t &or; [logical or] [logical or] ∨) (vee ∨ t &or; [logical or] [logical or] ∨) (cap ∩ t &cap; [intersection] [intersection] ∩) (cup ∪ t &cup; [union] [union] ∪) (int ∫ t &int; [integral] [integral] ∫) (there4 \therefore t &there4; [therefore] [therefore] ∴) (sim ∼ t &sim; ~ ~ ∼) (cong ≅ t &cong; [approx. equal to] [approx. equal to] ≅) (simeq ≅ t &cong; [approx. equal to] [approx. equal to] ≅) (asymp ≈ t &asymp; [almost equal to] [almost equal to] ≈) (approx ≈ t &asymp; [almost equal to] [almost equal to] ≈) (ne ≠ t &ne; [not equal to] [not equal to] ≠) (neq ≠ t &ne; [not equal to] [not equal to] ≠) (equiv ≡ t &equiv; [identical to] [identical to] ≡) (le ≤ t &le; <= <= ≤) (ge ≥ t &ge; >= >= ≥) (sub ⊂ t &sub; [subset of] [subset of] ⊂) (subset ⊂ t &sub; [subset of] [subset of] ⊂) (sup ⊃ t &sup; [superset of] [superset of] ⊃) (supset ⊃ t &sup; [superset of] [superset of] ⊃) (nsub ¬⊂ t &nsub; [not a subset of] [not a subset of ⊄) (sube \subseteq t &sube; [subset of or equal to] [subset of or equal to] ⊆) (nsup ¬⊃ t &nsup; [not a superset of] [not a superset of] ⊅) (supe \supseteq t &supe; [superset of or equal to] [superset of or equal to] ⊇) (forall ∀ t &forall; [for all] [for all] ∀) (exist ∃ t &exist; [there exists] [there exists] ∃) (exists ∃ t &exist; [there exists] [there exists] ∃) (empty ∅ t &empty; [empty set] [empty set] ∅) (emptyset ∅ t &empty; [empty set] [empty set] ∅) (isin ∈ t &isin; [element of] [element of] ∈) (in ∈ t &isin; [element of] [element of] ∈) (notin ∉ t &notin; [not an element of] [not an element of] ∉) (ni ∋ t &ni; [contains as member] [contains as member] ∋) (nabla ∇ t &nabla; [nabla] [nabla] ∇) (ang ∠ t &ang; [angle] [angle] ∠) (angle ∠ t &ang; [angle] [angle] ∠) (perp ⊥ t &perp; [up tack] [up tack] ⊥) (sdot ⋅ t &sdot; [dot] [dot] ⋅) (cdot ⋅ t &sdot; [dot] [dot] ⋅) (lceil ⌈ t &lceil; [left ceiling] [left ceiling] ⌈) (rceil ⌉ t &rceil; [right ceiling] [right ceiling] ⌉) (lfloor ⌊ t &lfloor; [left floor] [left floor] ⌊) (rfloor ⌋ t &rfloor; [right floor] [right floor] ⌋) (lang \langle t &lang; < < ⟨) (rang \rangle t &rang; > > ⟩) (hbar ℏ t &#8463; hbar hbar ℏ)

3.6 Arrows

(larr ← t &larr; <- <- ←) (leftarrow ← t &larr; <- <- ←) (gets ← t &larr; <- <- ←) (lArr ⇐ t &lArr; <= <= ⇐) (Leftarrow ⇐ t &lArr; <= <= ⇐) (uarr ↑ t &uarr; [uparrow] [uparrow] ↑) (uparrow ↑ t &uarr; [uparrow] [uparrow] ↑) (uArr ⇑ t &uArr; [dbluparrow] [dbluparrow] ⇑) (Uparrow ⇑ t &uArr; [dbluparrow] [dbluparrow] ⇑) (rarr → t &rarr; -> -> →) (to → t &rarr; -> -> →) (rightarrow → t &rarr; -> -> →) (rArr ⇒ t &rArr; => => ⇒) (Rightarrow ⇒ t &rArr; => => ⇒) (darr ↓ t &darr; [downarrow] [downarrow] ↓) (downarrow ↓ t &darr; [downarrow] [downarrow] ↓) (dArr ⇓ t &dArr; [dbldownarrow] [dbldownarrow] ⇓) (Downarrow ⇓ t &dArr; [dbldownarrow] [dbldownarrow] ⇓) (harr ↔ t &harr; <-> <-> ↔) (leftrightarrow ↔ t &harr; <-> <-> ↔) (hArr ⇔ t &hArr; <=> <=> ⇔) (Leftrightarrow ⇔ t &hArr; <=> <=> ⇔) (crarr ↵ t &crarr; <-' <-' ↵) (hookleftarrow ↵ t &crarr; <-' <-' ↵)

3.7 Function names

(arccos arccos t arccos arccos arccos arccos) (arcsin arcsin t arcsin arcsin arcsin arcsin) (arctan arctan t arctan arctan arctan arctan) (arg arg t arg arg arg arg) (cos cos t cos cos cos cos) (cosh cosh t cosh cosh cosh cosh) (cot cot t cot cot cot cot) (coth coth t coth coth coth coth) (csc csc t csc csc csc csc) (deg ° t &deg; deg deg deg) (det det t det det det det) (dim dim t dim dim dim dim) (exp exp t exp exp exp exp) (gcd gcd t gcd gcd gcd gcd) (hom hom t hom hom hom hom) (inf inf t inf inf inf inf) (ker ker t ker ker ker ker) (lg lg t lg lg lg lg) (lim lim t lim lim lim lim) (liminf liminf t liminf liminf liminf liminf) (limsup limsup t limsup limsup limsup limsup) (ln ln t ln ln ln ln) (log log t log log log log) (max max t max max max max) (min min t min min min min) (Pr Pr t Pr Pr Pr Pr) (sec sec t sec sec sec sec) (sin sin t sin sin sin sin) (sinh sinh t sinh sinh sinh sinh) (sup ⊃ t &sup; sup sup sup) (tan tan t tan tan tan tan) (tanh tanh t tanh tanh tanh tanh)

3.8 Signs & Symbols

(bull \textbullet{} nil &bull; * * •) (bullet \textbullet{} nil &bull; * * •) (star * t * * * ⋆) (lowast ∗ t &lowast; * * ∗) (ast ∗ t &lowast; * * *) (odot o t o [circled dot] [circled dot] ʘ) (oplus ⊕ t &oplus; [circled plus] [circled plus] ⊕) (otimes ⊗ t &otimes; [circled times] [circled times] ⊗) (checkmark ✓ t &#10003; [checkmark] [checkmark] ✓)

3.9 Miscellaneous (seldom used)

(para \P{} nil &para; [pilcrow] ¶ ¶) (ordf \textordfeminine{} nil &ordf; a ª ª) (ordm \textordmasculine{} nil &ordm; o º º) (cedil \c{} nil &cedil; [cedilla] ¸ ¸) (oline \overline{~} t &oline; [overline] ¯ ‾) (uml \textasciidieresis{} nil &uml; [diaeresis] ¨ ¨) (zwnj \/{} nil &zwnj; ‌) (zwj nil &zwj; ‍) (lrm nil &lrm; ‎) (rlm nil &rlm; ‏)

3.10 Smilies

(smile ☺ t &#9786; :-) :-) ⌣) (smiley ☺ nil &#9786; :-) :-) ☺) (blacksmile \blacksmiley{} nil &#9787; :-) :-) ☻) (sad \frownie{} nil &#9785; :-( :-( ☹)

3.11 Suits

(clubs ♣ t &clubs; [clubs] [clubs] ♣) (clubsuit ♣ t &clubs; [clubs] [clubs] ♣) (spades ♠ t &spades; [spades] [spades] ♠) (spadesuit ♠ t &spades; [spades] [spades] ♠) (hearts ♥ t &hearts; [hearts] [hearts] ♥) (heartsuit ♥ t &heartsuit; [hearts] [hearts] ♥) (diams ♦ t &diams; [diamonds] [diamonds] ♦) (diamondsuit ♦ t &diams; [diamonds] [diamonds] ♦) (Diamond \diamond t &diamond; [diamond] [diamond] ⋄) (loz \diamond t &loz; [lozenge] [lozenge] ◊)

4 Summary.

Wow, there are a lot of commands ☺. We just need to use them. For example, I can write Grüneisen, and it finally renders the way it should!

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